Two day old Sebright bantam One of several breeds I'm currently raising
Bantams: Bearded Paint Silkies Bearded Black, White Silkies from Paint pen Bearded Buff, Partridge Silkies Blue Cream (Porcelain) Silkie Project Satins in Frizzled and Smooth Naked Necks(Showgirls) in silkie and satin




Large Fowl: Ameraucana in self blue(newly approved by APA, aka lavender) Lavender Cuckoo Ameraucana Project Isabel Ameraucana Project
Ornamental Pheasants: Lady Amherst, Silver, Swinhoe, Temmincks Tragopan
Waterfowl: Welsh Harlequin
Fancy Pigeons: Jacobins
Extra birds available on occasion
Available now as of June 2023: Swinhoe pheasant chicks One Breeding pair of adult Swinhoe One adult Temminicks Tragopan male, beautiful full mating display 2 pairs of Welsh Harlequin ducks